Make a red cappuccino® on your La Marzocco Linea Mini Domestic Espresso Machine
Naturally caffeine-free and rich in powerful antioxidants, red espresso® Rooibos offers you a sophisticated, healthy alternative to coffee and decaf – for those moments when you can’t have another coffee, but still want a delicious café experience.
Make a Rooibos red cappuccino® at home
- red espresso® Rooibos
- Milk/milk alternative
- Cinnamon
- Honey
- Always ensure your La Marzocco Linea Mini is clean
- Fill your double basket with 12g (2tbsp) red espresso® ground Rooibos
- Ensure red espresso® Rooibos is level in the basket. No tamping required.
- Express a double shot red espresso® Rooibos (60ml/oz.) by moving the black leaver all the way across to the left
- Froth milk/milk alternative
- Add a swirl of honey and a dusting of cinnamon
Helpful tip
Always remember to flush the shower head in between making your favourite red espresso® drink and coffee to ensure either one is not tainted by their individual flavours.
Please note: Our ground rooibos is not suitable for use in super automatic machines or bean-to-cup machines